
Friday, 16 September 2016

CANR Holds a Career and Professional Overview Seminar

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CANR Holds a Career and Professional Overview Seminar

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has held a career and professional overview seminar for the second year students of the faculty of Agriculture themed “Hidden Treasures in Agriculture and Related Industries.” The three day seminar was held at the New College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Block from the 7th to the 9th of September 2016.

In his address, Mr. Stephen K. Ghansah, Agribusiness Development lead of the Guinness Ghana Brewery Limited (GGBL) stated that people involved in agriculture should not limit themselves to the idea of being employed by others rather they should explore the myriad of opportunities available to set up their own businesses. He pointed out that the GGBL currently buys crops from 16,300 farmers as a result of the company’s use of maize, cassava and sorghum in its production of beverages. He also explained that it is a competitive advantage for farmers to produce more thereby earning more income in the process. He therefore encouraged students to venture into sorghum production as it is a new introduction in the production of beverages.

Mr. Naresh Shukla, Executive Director of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) advised students to develop the passion for agriculture with the intention of doing their best to succeed in the field. He urged them to use their skills and knowledge in creating employment opportunities for themselves by looking to solve the problems in agriculture rather than spelling out the problems. He explained that as agriculture is in every sphere of life it guarantees that money is everywhere if only students are prepared to take personal initiatives.

Mr. Benard Tuffour, Landscape Designer of Floral Life Gardens and Villa urged the students to do away with the wrong impressions often associated with agriculture. He encouraged them to collaborate with one another in exploring the many business areas available. Finally, he proposed that schools should make the agriculture curriculum more practical based to equip students adequately for the job market outside.

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