Fashion model and reality TV star Kendall Jenner has angered the ballet community with her latest video shoot for Vogue Espańa. In the video, Jenner twirls around in a ballet studio, dressed in ballet clothed, and remembers the “good old days,” of being a kid, running around freely.
There are also several photos, some of which Jenner posted on her Instagram. We’re not sure that’s an actual move, and ballerinas are definitely not impressed. Many members of the dance community took to so..
Watch the video below.
Watch the video below.
Dancers were quick to call out the model and magazine on Twitter:
Even “Dance Moms” star Abby Lee Miller apparently got in on the action. According to this screenshot saved by The Shade Room, Miller went in hard on Jenner in the comments section (which is currently disabled).
Then there was Dance Spirit magazine, who called the video “facepalm-y” and said, “To our eyes, the whole thing reads as pretty disrespectful to the artists who devote their lives to this demanding craft.”
While Vogue has been pretty good about including ballet dancers in their magazine in the past, they’re also responsible for showing models like Gisele and Caroline Trentini “doing ballet.” This is not a new thing.
There were some people who came to Jenner’s defense, including Ballet West first soloist Allison DeBona, who wrote on Facebook, “she’s a beautiful young girl who’s job is to do what she’s asked to do.”
Others on Twitter basically just told all the complainers to be quiet and pay attention to more important things going on in the world. Because we all know Kendall Jenner’s pretending is not worth fighting about.
Jenner has yet to comment on the dance drama, but we’ve reached out to a rep for the model and will update this post accordingly.
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