
Wednesday, 21 September 2016

18 Adorable Ways To 'Sweet Talk' Your Man (And Steal His Heart)

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Watch him fall hopelessly in love with you.
Whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ear or sending love letters back and forth are ways couples of yesteryear conveyed their deep feelings for each other. Today, you have other options. Of course, you can still send your man letters, but can also text or email.
Since it’s so easy to communicate, why not learn some cute things to say to your boyfriend and try them out the next time the mood strikes?
Here are some you can use in a long-term relationship:
1. "I wish you were here right now."
This statement simply lets your man know how much you miss him. After all, everyone wants to feel wanted. It's worth stating, though, that you shouldn't say this or send this to him as a text too often, as you don’t want him to feel smothered. That is why this message is best to used for long-term, committed relationships.
2. "They say that love can happen in a single moment, but I didn't believe that until the very moment I fell in love with you."
This message reveals the deep feelings that you have in your heart for your man.
3. "When I look into your eyes, I see a gateway to a world I want to exist in."
This short message is deep, so you will have to use your discretion in regards to whether your boyfriend would appreciate this. For example, it's probably the right message if you've just started dating, but if you have a long-term, committed relationship, it's perfect.
4. "If I got to relive my whole life, the only thing I would change is that I would have met you years ago."
This sweet message for your man communicates your deep feelings for him, and that your only regret in life is not meeting him sooner.
5. "I feel so protected and safe when you’re around me."
Your man will likely love to hear this, as men in general tend to consider themselves a “protector.” So, knowing that you feel safe with them will be a great compliment. This is especially true if you've been hurt in past relationships and were hesitant to trust again. Saying this particular comment to your man is sure to warm his heart.
6. "There’s no one in the world who can understand me better than you do."
A good relationship consists of honesty and open communication. If you can say this to your man, it should make him feel great, as it's a major indication of a healthy relationship.
7. "You always know how to make me smile, even when I’m down."
A good relationship is a partnership of sorts throughout the ups and downs of life. So, when you can always count on your guy to raise you out of your doldrums and you do the same for him, this indicates a caring, loving relationship. Communicating this to your man by acknowledging that you depend on him when you're down should make him feel great.
8. "I enjoy your company more than anyone else’s in the whole world."
When a couple has moved into a serious relationship, they usually begin preferring each other’s company over that of their friends. This statement indicates that you now want and enjoy being around your guy, even more than you want to hang with your girlfriends, which is a big step in the relationship.
9. "I can’t imagine my life without you."
When two lives join together, it becomes difficult for each partner to imagine their life without their “other half.” This is a positive step in the relationship, so communicating that you've now arrived as this point should make your man feel great.
10. "My friends are so jealous that I have you."
It will never hurt a guy’s ego to hear that someone is jealous of your relationship due to his desirability. This is a fun, sweet message that's typically well-received.
11. "I don’t know how you put up with me, but I'm glad that you do."
This saying communicates that you know you're difficult to deal with and appreciate his suffering. This is an especially great message to send if you've been particularly difficult to handle of late.
12. "Only my heart could tell you how much I love you. My words aren’t enough."
This basically communicates that there's no way only words could convey what you feel about your man. How could your man not love to hear this?

And here are some you can use for new relationships:
1. "You're such a chivalrous gentlemen when you’re with me."
Saying this sweet phrase to your boyfriend actually serves two purposes. First, it tells your man how much you appreciate his chivalrous ways when you're out together. Second, it lets him know you want him to keep it up.
2. "You’re such an interesting guy. You know so much about everything."
It can’t hurt to stroke your guy’s ego a bit. After all, everyone wants to feel respected and admired. This is a light-hearted, sweet comment you can use even if your relationship is on the new side.
3. "I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up."
Yes, it's a bit corny. But if it’s a true statement for you, then it's something your boyfriend will appreciate hearing.
4. "I’ve never met a guy who’s more ambitious and determined than you."
This is yet another light-hearted yet still sweet comment that's ideal for a new relationship.
5. "You’re the most masculine guy I've ever met."
This simple statement communicates how much you appreciate your man’s masculinity. Most guys, although not all, like to feel masculine and manly, so this saying is perfect for making your man feel it.
6. "I can’t wait to see you again."
This communicates that you're looking forward to spending more time with your man. In a new relationship, this also indicates a desire to continue to grow the relationship.
Communicating what’s in your heart is a healthy way to make your boyfriend feel loved, respected and honored. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this list and share a few of these “sweet nothings” with your man.

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