
Tuesday, 27 September 2016

An Open Letter to NUGS: A Request for Prompt Actions Toward NUGS Congress 2016

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FROM*: Amoakohene Frank

TO*: NUGS, through the NUGS President

Dear Sir


I bring you greetings as I hope that you are in the best state of health.
It has been 5 days past the date slated for the commencement of the 50th NUGS Congress and these moments have undoubtedly been one of the very frustrating ones.

We are slapped day in and day out with numerous conflicting releases, insults and disclaimers upon disclaimers and I believe that all these do not augur well for our forward movement as a Union.

Beyond the apathy set in members, wastage of resources, and the damage to our corporate image among others, *Lectures have begun* and such times are much more precious to be disrupted with issues like the recent happenings.

I wish to passionately add that, the expressed disappointments of Deans and Managements of Institutions towards the Union may not only affect us this year, but also the years to come.

SRCs, Aspirants, and other stakeholders of this very Union have been patient in waiting for leadership to put things in order, and I believe that for the love of our Union and the students who entrusted to you the mandate, leadership must put aside any forms of differences and get this event organised for the forward movement of our Union.

*I therefore by this letter respectfully urge leadership to call for Congress within a reasonable time frame and as early as possible to enable all get back to our classrooms and have time for other engagements.*

Do not hesitate to call on some of us whenever you deem fit, we appreciate the challenges, and are ready to offer any forms of support towards getting things done in time and for the progress of our Union.

Thank you!

Yours sincerely
*Amoakohene Frank*
NUGS President Hopeful

▶Team Ohene

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