
Saturday, 24 September 2016

[Photo] Danger! Desperate for potable water

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It is sometimes mindboggling the extent people would go to get what they want even at the peril of their lives. Potable water, it is known, is an age-old scarce commodity in some parts of the country, but certainly not Ghana’s capital, Accra. 

That is why this picture captured by Onua FM’s Maxwell Otoo in the heart of Greater Accra, precisely in somewhat affluent Achimota, tend to be a bit unreasonable. 

People including kids are often seen tucking their bucket to the wall of a gaping gutter to be filled with water sipping through a broken pipe with their heads bent riskily downward. It only has to take the slightest push of the ‘devil’ for disaster to strike. Could this be their wish? A little boy trying to fetch water in that dangerous position 

Source: | Ghana

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