
Thursday, 22 September 2016

6 Interesting Things You Can Do When You Are Bored

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As a Nigerian, you are familiar with the fact that there will be some moments when you will be bored without electricity as most of your devices are down. These are moments you result to doing funny things like: counting the number of divisions on your ceilings or looking at the numbers of holes on your belts. Here are some things you can do that will make those moment lively and productive.

1.Take a walk: Taking a walk can give you a lot of inspiration as you get to see the way things are moving around you. You get to see how people are thinking creatively, then you will realize that the world is evolving very fast. This will create some kind of imagination in your mental world.

2.Think about the future: Yes most of us are cut up in the art of doing what others are doing what I term the hot passion of the day. This is really bad as everyone have different kind of talents so you don’t expect us to do the same thing and we all be successful. This silent moment are for you to think about what you really love to do, who you will want to become. You can do this by taking a look at those around you, probably those you see on the TV or hear on radio, that you are excited about the way they do their things; those you have interest in what they do. Trust me you will always find someone, just think. Write that down and give it a second thought of where that can lead you.

3. Develop a to-do list of what you want to do the next day: A to-do list will contain the list of everything you want to do the next day or even a whole week. But start with a whole day. The trick you should use is not to think of the amount of effort you will put-in to get those things done. Just think of what you will like to do the next day and put them down. Then arrange them in their order of priority. You can remove some if you see that they are irrelevant. But you must exercise self-discipline not to remove the important tasks .

4.Read a Novel or a motivational book: this is one of the reason while you get at least one hard copy of a book you are interested in. this will go a long way to making you productive as you will get to read about other people’s thought which can be exciting.

5.Write a book: this can be based on some interesting experience you had in the past, you can write a short story, a poem or a motivational article that can inspire others, just write something anything at all. The trick is to write rough and you can edit that later. Trust me you will always get positive response when you share it with friends on social media.

6.Take care of yourself: this might sound awkward to you but those boring and lonely moments could count if you actually take care of yourself probably by shaving, cutting your nails or dyeing your hairs

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