
Thursday, 22 September 2016

Flirting 25 texts that'll help you get your dream partner Relationships

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So, you are not in a relationship yet, but you are edging ever closer to the promised land…

You’re maybe at that stage where you and a really pretty babe/ hot guy are already comfortable with each other but are yet to become an official item.
You know you’ll most likely end together, but you still limit things to texting and flirting with each other via BBM, Whatsapp and SMS, playing the chase game… [You tease]

playHow to get your flirt on (Capital FM)

It’s pretty ok. That’s one of the best part of any [Potential] relationship anyway, so take your time.
As usual, we are always here to assist in any way we can.
So we have put together a number of one-liners you can drop anytime to get the conversation going, make them fall totally for you and ultimately unlock  the door to a potential relationship.
Note, some of these lines might make you seem sweet, tacky, funny, thirsty, romantic etc, depending on who you are sending them too.
So we advise that you observe your target well before making a pick from these flirty lines.
Without further ado, let’s get to it…
1. The only good part about being single is that I get to flirt with you.
2. I really am thankful that I’m single now; would have broken my heart if I can’t be texting a stunner like you.
3. I really want [insert any edible thing here], and a cute guy to eat it with. [You, bad, bad girl]
4. Stop being so cute or I’m just going to end up in your bed
5. Not like I have anything interesting to say, I just really needed to talk to you.
6. I wore the cutest outfit today. Too bad you didn’t get to see it.
playHow to flirt with texts. (TellYouAll)

7. I like the way I smile every time your name shows up on my phone.
8. My bed is just too big for only one person.
9. You’re just an exception; I really do not like people like that.
10. What would you say if I told you I’d give anything to kiss you right now?
11. I just bought the cutest underwear this afternoon; and all I can think of is you peeling it off me
12. I think it’s just embarrassing how much I thought about you today
13. I’m sick of flirting over the phone. Wanna  do it in person?
14. I’m trying hard, but I just can’t stop staring at that picture you sent me.
15. My friends say how we’d make the cutest couple ever.
playTexting is one of the best ways to flirt. (Huffington Post)

16. It’s been way too long since we last hung out, don’t you think?
17. Do you even have any idea how gorgeous you are?
18. Today sucked. Can I get a picture of your smile to brighten my night?
19. You’re too sexy to be single.
20. My friends are sick of hearing me talk about you.
21. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we kissed?
22. You honestly make me laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed before.
23. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on work when you keep popping into my head.
24. Who would have believed that I’d ever find someone who’s smart and funny and hot as hell. [Pun intended]

25. I just wish I were right now.

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