
Saturday, 17 December 2016

Ways to relieve your skin this harmattan

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The harmattan as known by many is a very dusty and dry season. Many, in this season, especially those with dry skin find it very difficult to care for their skin, hence having to battle with different skin infections. One of such skin problems is having cracked skin. Here are tips on how to care for cracked skin.

- You can soak the affected skin part in water mixed with few drops of oil. This would help to replenish the skin and soothe the affected area. However it is important to note that you soak the affected area for few minutes and not for long hours, as that can strip the skin of its essential oils.

- In this time of harmattan, it is advised that one uses more of oil to moisturize the skin. Using petroleum jelly can be an easy way out for those with very dry skin.

- Water is very essential to almost all beauty and health treatment. The skin benefits a lot from adequate intake of water. It not only stays hydrated but feels subtle and healthy, hence free from unnecessary blemish, including cracked skin.

- When you have cracked skin, check to see that the affected area is not infected. If it is, see a dermatologist who will give the appropriate treatment.

- Avoid peeling the cracked areas of the skin, as that could lead to more injury, and harmful to the skin.

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