
Monday, 5 December 2016

Note Of Appreciation By Ex-NUGS President Paa-Quecy Adu

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Note Of Appreciation By Ex-NUGS President Paa-Quecy Adu
Note Of Appreciation By Ex-NUGS President Paa-Quecy Adu
Today, I left office as the President of the National Union Of Ghana Students, NUGS, at the time the Union celebrated its Golden Jubilee.

To me, it's an honour to have served as the President of NUGS at such a moment.

It is not a matter of contention that the best of our days lie ahead and we must reinvent our approaches to suit the times we find ourselves and we must, going forward seek a new beginning. Putting our 50 years behind us, this is another beginning, to make things right and give students more reason to rally around the vision that founded NUGS.

Though it has been full of turbulent moments, I deem it prudent to say, it has been well, and there is the need to salute all who played key roles.

My joy stems from the fact that God has been faithful.

It all begun ten years ago, when I was elected SRC President of Jasikan College of Education. I served as SRC President, then proceeded to be a sector TTAG Organizer, President, Coordinator II, Coordinator I, to National Coordinator II, Coordinator I and Chairman for the Board of Trustees for the Teacher Trainees Provident Fund. I recall chairing the committee that led to review the TTAG Constitution and equally served on the committee that drafted the Colleges of Education Bill. It was a beginning of a long learning process.

From the circles of TTAG, I served colleague students again in the capacity of the National President for GUPS, I afterwards proceeded to the peak of the offices of students’ leadership in Ghana, serving as the President heralding the Golden Jubilee of the National Union Of Ghana Students, NUGS.

I certainly couldn't have made it alone without the support, advice, criticisms and even fierce opposition from the good people I engaged throughout.

If I have been able to come this far, paying my dues to students’ activism for almost a decade, then it is because I stood on the shoulders of others. I look forward to doing same for others.

I wish to render my appreciation to God for His Grace and Divine Enablement; to all and sundry who contributed in this journey of service to the Students of Ghana and in shaping and sharpening our leadership potentials as well.

Secondly, I would like to thank my family, especially, MY WIFE, Mrs. Sedinam Adu and my son Nana Yaw Adom Adu who came to me at a time I was neck-deep in tough Utility Bills negotiation with government; all students of Ghana, all friends and comrades especially YOU for your unflinching support, pieces of advice and encouragement as well.

Some of you sacrificed a lot for me before I came to office and even while in office. Your toil and sacrifices are worth appreciating. You have been part of my story and the story of NUGS- a story of revolutionary solidarity, consciousness and love for God, Country and Students.

You may not see the volume of your touch in my leadership life, but, I must say, your name is already cast in stone and your story is immortalized somewhere special.

I'm grateful to all former students’ leaders who supported me and equally advised me on several issues.

I'm equally grateful to those who stood with me from my leadership days in college through TTAG, to GUPS and to my days in NUGS.

I'm particularly grateful to those who helped and contributed in making sure the Dream of establishing NUGS SCHOLARSHIP FUND became a reality.

I wish I could mention names, but given the sky as a book and the sea as ink, I will still need more space and more ink to write these names.

I will keep the names in my heart, and count the blessings of our communion as I look forward to saying thank you to you all in action, and not just in words. But, as you read this, bear in mind, that I'm very grateful.

While serving, there were decisions and steps I took which might not have been neither Right nor Wrong but NECESSARY, but like Rev Jesse Jackson said to the 1984 DNC, "count it to my head, and not my heart".

If in the course of these periods of my leadership, I have consciously or unconsciously stepped on your toes, please do find a place in your heart to forgive me.

I wish the new Administration success and I am convinced, given our past, that we couldn't have started the next 50 years’ life of NUGS on any better note.

This however should not make us blind to what challenges there is which must be addressed in a most timely, tactful and pragmatic manner.

To end, I want you to know I AM GRATEFUL for the privilege to serve YOU and the students of Ghana at the highest level.






Dated: Thursday 10th November, 2016.

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