
Saturday, 10 December 2016

Taking care of your relaxed hair this season

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Relaxing your hair is usually the easiest solution to getting soft, sleek and manageable hair. But without proper care, your hair will eventually break off and you will suffer from major hair loss. Most people believe that you cannot grow out relaxed hair. Wrong! On the contrary, with the right amount of care combined with patience and consistency, your hair will be long, thick, shiny and lustrous.

Protective styling: Always make sure that your ends are protected all the time. Your ends are the oldest and weakest part of your hair and they will definitely break off if they are left exposed for too long. Buns and up-dos are the best protective styles. Braids are also good just as long as they are not left in for too long and not too tight.

Deep condition: Deep conditioning restores moisture and lost nutrients. Moisture is very important for relaxed hair. Also, make sure you include a protein treatment at least once in two weeks to make your hair shafts stronger. Deep conditioning your hair keeps your cuticle layer flat and properly sealed.

Reduce the heat: Staying away from heat like straighteners helps retain hair length a lot. Hair bonds usually break when you straighten or blow dry your hair. Excess heat also removes the moisture from your hair, which leads to dry hair, hence, brittle hair and breakage.

Scalp massages: Scalp massages with rich oils such as castor oil, coconut oil and olive oil work wonders on hair growth. It stimulates the blood circulation, which is what your scalp needs to relieve stress. The oils also lubricate your scalp and conditions it too while nourishing it at the same time.

Moisturise: Make sure that you moisturise every day, most especially now during the harmattan season. If your hair is dry, it breaks off easily and it is more prone to friction. The best oils to use to moisturise your hair are natural oils. The less build up the better otherwise it will clog your pores and stunt hair growth.

Wash your hair: This is very important. Washing your hair at least once a week improves the overall health of your hair a lot. Clean hair can breathe and a clean scalp can allow hair growth too so make sure you carry this out. It is a good idea to condition your hair afterwards to restore the lost moisture.

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