
Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Fitness that Overhaul Your Diet and Exercise Routine

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Fitness that Overhaul Your Diet and Exercise Routine

My gym doesn’t close until 11 p.m., but some nights I procrastinate so long watching “Orange Is the New Black” or “Gilmore Girl” reruns (I’m preparing for the reboot, hold your judgment) that it gets to 10:30 and I’m still on my couch.

At this point, I have basically two options: Call it a night and try to be better tomorrow, or roll out my mat and piss off everyone on the floor below me by working out at home. I often opt for the latter and either follow Kayla Itsines’s bodyweight circuit or go on YouTube to take a Blogilates virtual class.

Cassey Ho, the 29-year-old fitness entrepreneur
behind Blogilates—and who appears in all its videos—has more than 3 million followers on YouTube and more than a million on Instagram. She’s known for her body-positive approach to Pilates, and was the focus of dozens of blogs posts after she publicly hit back at internet trolls last year.

This week, Ho visited the STYLECASTER office in New York (did you catch her on our Snapchat??) as part of her new role promoting Dailies Total1—she says she’s a big fan of colored contacts, folks, more so than Kanye perhaps—and told us all about her spectacularly healthy lifestyle. Ho even broke down and measured out the exact meals and snacks she eats in a regular day and what she listens to while working out.

My favorite Pilates move is:
The earthquake! You begin seated with legs straight and a tall spine, roll shoulders back and down, and lean back at the hips. You’ll feel your core shake like crazy! It doesn’t look like you’re moving that much, but, oh boy, this move is powerful and great for a strong core.

For breakfast I had:
An omelet at 8 a.m. with two eggs, one cup of spinach, half a cup of mushrooms, one chicken sausage, and one cup of pico de gallo.

For lunch I had:
A chicken salad at 12:30 p.m. with five ounces of roasted chicken breast, four ounces of butter lettuce, two tablespoons of raw sliced almonds, half a cup of cherry tomatoes, and two tablespoons of strawberry vinaigrette.

For dinner I had:
At 7 p.m. I had six ounces of miso-flavored tilapia with one cup of quinoa, one cup of sautéed spinach, one cup of roasted butternut squash, and two tablespoons of Sriracha.

Today I snacked on:
A cup of strawberries with coconut yogurt. I love the combo because it’s naturally sweet and nutritionally dense to keep me satisfied. I also had a Fuji apple with natural peanut butter—healthy fats keep me satiated.

One thing I don’t eat:
Chocolate. My taste buds are hyper-sensitive to the cocoa in chocolate, so it literally tastes like bitter medicine to me.

My all-time favorite workout is:
PIIT28! I developed this workout program that combines high-intensity cardio exercises with total-body-strengthening Pilates moves. One round is seven minutes and 10 seconds, and for a full workout, you’ll need to do four rounds for a total of 28 minutes and 40 seconds. I love this style of workout because you burn fat and build muscle and endurance in a short period of time with zero equipment.

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