
Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Catholic University Appoints Prof Ofori- Obeng as Vice - Chancellor

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  Catholic University Appoints Prof Ofori- Obeng as Vice - Chancellor
Prof Ofori- Obeng
The board and management of Catholic University College, has appointed Professor Kwabena Ofori- Obeng as the new vice-chancellor.

Professor Obeng-Ofori took up his appointment as the Vice- Chancellor on 1st of July, 2016. This was announced by the Registrar, Mr. Kofi Asuman during the 13th Congregation & 22nd Matriculation.

Professor Kwabena Obeng-Ofori was the immediate past Pro Vice-Chancellor for University of Energy and Natural Resources.


Professor Kwabena Obeng-Ofori holds MPhil and PhD degrees in Applied Biology and Agricultural Entomology, respectively from the University of Cambridge in 1986-1990. He obtained BSc honours degree in Agriculture (Crop Science) from the University of Ghana, Legon in 1982 and did his national service at the Agricultural Research Centre, Kade in 1982. He was appointed as Teaching/Research Assistant at the Department of Crop Science, Legon in 1983. In 1994, Professor Obeng-Ofori won the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute for Stored Product Protection, Berlin, Germany where he conducted research as a Visiting Humboldt Scientist and investigated the potential and practical utilization of botanicals for the control of stored product pests.

Professor Obeng-Ofori had his early education at Koraso Local Authority Primary, Wamfie Roman Catholic and Atronie Local Authority Schools where he sat for the Middle School Leaving certificate examination and passed with distinction. He then continued his education at Presbyterian Senior High School, Bechem and Presbyterian Boys, Legon for his ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level certificates in 1975 and 1977, respectively. Professor Obeng-Ofori joined the Department of Crop Science, University of Ghana, Legon in 1996 as a lecturer and was promoted to the position of Senior lecturer in 1997, Associate Professor in 2001 and Professor in 2004.

Professor Obeng-Ofori has held several academic positions and contributed immensely to the work at the University of Ghana by serving on over 34 Boards and Committee including the University Council.

At the National Level, Professor Obeng-Ofori has held various positions; was the President of University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) from 1998-2002 and President of Ghana Science Association (GSA), Accra branch from 2003-2008 and currently the National President of GSA since 2011. He was also the President of the Entomological Society of Ghana (ESG) and the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS) from 2004-2009. Prof. Obeng-Ofori is the first African Council Member of the International Congress of Entomology and the Permanent Committee of the Working Conference of Stored Product Protection.

Professor Obeng-Ofori as an astute scholar has travelled extensively as visiting scholar. As a distinquished Researcher, he has published widely and has over 300 publications in internationally reputable refereed journals, books and several technical reports and conference proceedings.

Professor Obeng-Ofori has been a Visiting Lecturer and External Examiner of several Universities in Africa and Europe. He has also served as an Internal and External Examiner for several Master and Doctor of Philosophy Theses since 1991 and also served as a consultant for several local and international institutions including the World Bank, FAO, UN, UNIDO, USAID, DFID, NAB, EPA, MoFA, etc. He has won several academic awards from the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge and the American Biographical Institute, USA.
Professor Obeng-Ofori is a practicing catholic, a member of Knights of St. John International and married to Rosaline and they are blessed with three children, Cynthia, Lynda and Joseph.

2015 Publications 

1. Badii, K. B.,Billah, M. K., Afreh-Nuamah, K. and Obeng-Ofori, D. (2015). Species composition and host range of fruit-infesting flies in northern Ghana. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 35, 137–151.

2. Badii, K. B.,Billah, M. K., Afreh-Nuamah, K. and Obeng-Ofori, D. (2015). Review of the pest status, economic impact and management of fruit-infesting flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Africa. African Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10 (12), 1488-1498.

3. Ampiah, A.S., Fening, K.O., Ofosu-Anim, J.,Obeng-Ofori, D. and Ntaanu, P.K. 2015. The Status of Sericulture in Ghana. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Management 1 (2), 75-79
4. Ansah, A.F., Anankware, P.J., Fatunbi A.O., Afreh–Nuamah, K. and Obeng-Ofori, D. 2015. Environmental conditions and the use of Hermetic Triple Layer Biodegradable bags For Maize Storage in Ghana. Legon Journal of Science and Technology (accepted and in press)).

5. Anankware PJ, Fening KO, Osekre E and Obeng-Ofori D. 2015. Insects as food and feed: A review. International Journal of Agricultural Research and Review 3 (1), 143-151.

6. Ansah, F.A., A.O. Fatunbi, A.A. .Adekunle, D. Obeng-Ofori, K. Afreh-Nuamah, J.P. Anankware, A.S. Badu 2015. Assessment of storability of two maize cultivars in a hermetic triple layer biodegradable bag. M.L. Amodio and G. Colelli (eds.),ISHS Acta. Hort., Proceedings XI International Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, pp. 695-702.


Obeng-Ofori, D. 2015. Important vertebrate and mite pests of agriculture and health. Scholar’s Press, Germany ISBN: 978-3-639-76611-0, 208 pp.

2014 Publications 

1. Obeng-Ofori, D. 2014. Sustainable management of pests of okra and cucumber in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana with neem bio-pesticides for food safety and environmental protection. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Management 1 (1), 1-7.

2. Appiah, E.F., Ekesi, S., Afreh-Nuamah, K., Obeng-Ofori, D. and Mohamed, S.A. 2014. African weaver ant-produced semiochemicals impact on foragingbehaviour and parasitism by the Opiine parasitoid, Fopius arisanus on Bactrocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae). Biological Control 79, 49-57.

3. Obeng-Ofori, D. 2014. Developing the culture and discipline of conducting and publishing scientific research: Guiding principles Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Management 1 (1), 25-33.

4. Badii, K. B., Billah, M. K., Afreh-Nuamah, K. and Obeng-Ofori, D. (2014). Seasonal phenology of Bactrocerainvadens(Drew, Tsuruta and White) and Ceratitiscosyra(Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Northern Ghana.Bioscience Methods 5 (3), 1-11 (doi: 10.5376/bm.2014.05.0003).

5. Adarkwah, C., Ulrichs, C., Schaarschmidt, S., Badii, K. B., Addai, I.K. Obeng-Ofori, D. and Schöller, M. (2014).Potential of Hymenopteran larval and egg parasitoids to control stored-product beetle and moth infestation in jute bags Bulletin of Entomological Research 104, 534–542

6. Gloria Agyeiwaa, Ken Okwae Fening, Daniel Obeng-Ofori, Nguku Evelyn and Raina Suresh Kumar, 2014. Assessment of the Quality of Cocoons and Silk Fibre Produced by Five Bivoltine Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) Strains Fed on Three Mulberry Varieties in the Coastal Savanna Agro- Ecological Zone of Ghana. Sericologia 54 (2), 103-112.

7. Jacinter Atieno Otieno Odhiambo, Winfred S.K. Gbewonyo and Daniel Obeng-Ofori 2014. Insecticide use pattern and residue levels in cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var capitata L.) within selected farms in southern Ghana. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Management 1, 25-35.

Conferences Attended 

1. 2015, May 15-17 ACU CIRCLE Trainer of Trainers Workshop on Mentoring, Indaba Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.

2015, Feb. 1-5 Higher level information meeting of Champions on the CIRCLE Project, AAS, Nairobi, Kenya

2014, Nov. 3-7 TrainIQAfrica-High Level Information Meeting, Duisberg, Germany

2014, June 28-July 5 Capacity Building Training Workshop on the Promotion of Neem-Derived Pesticides in West Africa, Neem Foundation, (Nagpur) and Vivekananda Institute of Biotechnology (Nimpith), India

2014, Feb. 10-14 DIES International Deans Course Part III, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2014, Jan15-29 Training Workshop on Management of Higher Education Institutes, Galilee International Management Institute, Israel

2013, Nov 4-5 DIES Conference on balancing quality and access in higher education in Africa (IDCII)

UPSA, Accra, Ghana.

2013, July 1-12 DIES International Deans Course Part 1, Osnabrueck and Berlin, Germany.

2013, Feb. 06 Postharvest Loss Convening Workshop, Windsor Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

2012, Nov. 23-28 International Conference of COS-SIS, Elmina, Ghana.

Participation in Events

June 10 – 12 in Berlin, Germany: Annual meeting of the Alexander Humboldt Foundation sponsored by Alexander Humboldt Foundation.

June 28 to July 1 in Zagreb, Croatia: IOBC conference on integrated protection of stored products. A keynote speaker on the topic- Physical, chemical and hermetic storage technology for stored product protection in African countries. Partial sponsorship by LOC and myself.

July 1 – 3 in Milan, Italy: ICC/AISTEC conference on Grains for feeding the world. A poster on Sattifs project at UENR sponsored by ACP-EU

July 4 – 6 in Milan Italy: EXPO 15 sponsored by ACP-EU

July 7 – 8 in Bruxelles, Belgium: ACP-EU Stakeholders meeting on various projects including SATTIFS at UENR. Sponsored by ACP-EU

Workshops Attended

No    Name of workshop                     Date                     

1.      Team Building                           October 10-11, 2012

2.     Staff Orientation                          Nov. 30, 2012

3.    Sanitation in the University Community and Its Environs.   Jan. 18, 2013

4.    Academic Quality Assurance and Leadership in Higher Education Management  Feb, 20, 2013

5.  Staff Orientation                           Oct. 4, 2013

6. Methods of Teaching and Assessing of Students         Dec 2-6, 2013

7. Stress and Its Management                                   March 3, 2014

8.       A-2 Day Workshop on Geonetcast for UENR

9. 5-Day workshop on Applied Satellite Inter Resources  June 2-6, 2014

10. One-Day Stakeholders Meeting toward                          July 31, 2014

11. UENR Maiden Faculty Research Retreat       Aug. 6-8, 2014

12 5-Day Workshop on Applied Satellite Technology     October 6 -10, 2014

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