
Monday, 4 January 2016

Yahoo health research reveals just 1 in 7 Americans feel positive about their bodies

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Yahoo health research reveals just 1 in 7 Americans feel positive about their bodies
Yahoo health research reveals just 1 in 7 Americans feel positive about their bodies
While many might consider 2015 to have been the year for body-confidence campaign, it seems they may have fallen on deaf ears, as it has been revealed that just one in seven Americans consider themselves to be ‘body positive’.

A new poll, which was conducted by Yahoo Health, and saw 2,000 people across the country between the ages of 13 and 64 questioned, also found that women are – perhaps unsurprisingly - much less likely to be body positive as men..

In fact, the survey found that it takes women half their lives to gain just half of the amount of body positivity that the average teenage boy has.

Seventy per cent of men were either body positive or neutral about their body image throughout their lives - and the poll found that men become more body neutral than body positive as they get older.

Things are very different for women on this side of things however, as most women are more likely to be either body negative - unhappy with their bodies - or body ambivalent – which means they have a love/hate relationship with their appearance. In fact, more than half of women fall into these categories.

Those who are body negative are likely to remain that way as they age, while the body ambivalent women are more likely to shift to body neutral over time.

Only 13 per cent of women feel body positive, with the most likely age for that state to be reached between ages 35 and 54.


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