
Wednesday, 6 January 2016

ICAN condemns North Korean nuclear test

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Nuclear test announced by North Korea
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), has strongly condemned the nuclear test announced by North Korea recently.
A statement by ICAN said if confirmed, it is a reckless and unacceptable act runs counter to the growing tide of international support for a universal treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.

The statement also said that any use of nuclear weapons has catastrophic humanitarian consequences.
The tests in Semipalatinsk, the Marshall Islands, and everywhere nuclear weapons were used or produced, affected thousands of people and impacted entire generations. The statement further quoted that all nations are legally obliged to pursue negotiations in good faith for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.
 (ICAN), has strongly condemned the nuclear test announced by North Korea
The statement added ICAN strongly opposes all forms of nuclear testing, and urges nations that have not yet done so to join the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
The statement noted that we call on North Korea to cease immediately the build-up of its nuclear arsenal, and to engage in dialogue to achieve nuclear disarmament.
It is beyond time for the international community to prohibit nuclear weapons just as chemical and biological weapons have been prohibited.

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