
Monday 4 January 2016

Kenya’s Garissa University has reopened, nine months after militants massacred students

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Murdered students of the Garissa University College, Kenya
Murdered students of the Garissa University College, Kenya
Kenya’s Garissa University reopened today, nine months after an attack by the Islamist militant group al-Shabaab killed 147 people, including 142 students. 

Staff, families, and government officials attended the ceremony to mark the occasion, lauded as a triumph over the fear that terrorism aims to create. Most staff came back to the campus last week and students returned today.
Garissa is the first and only university in Kenya’s northeastern province, an area that critics say has been abandoned by the central government. 

After the university was closed following the attack, local activists like the Northern Advocacy Organization campaigned for its reopening bydemonstrating at the college and camping out in the same dormitories where the students were killed. 

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta announced in December that the school would be reopened as a message that the country would not be cowed by the Somali-based insurgents.


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