
Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Man Slaps Wife And Got Her Blind (Snapshot)

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This is a true story of domestic violence shared by a doctor friend.

"Her presenting complain was inability to see with the left eye of two days duration following a slap from her husband, I wasn't happy but had to be calm because the young man was also in the consulting room, after examination it was obvious that she was blind in that eye. 

The husband wasn't happy and I could see tears rolling down his cheeks even as he tried to hide it from me, so I decided to ask the reason. In his own words 

"Dr. I love my wife so much and we've been married for 3 years and this is the first time i am hitting her, she has pushed me to the wall and almost through it, she doesn't respect me, slaps me and raise her voice at the slightest provocation even in the public not minding where we are or who is around"

because you are a fool," his wife cuts in.......... He stood and walked out of the consulting room without saying a word. The wife followed him with showers of insults not minding she was in a hospital. 

How did we get here? Who do I blame? Is the man a beast for slapping his wife no matter the reason? Is this violence against women or men? No matter the circumstance it's better to walk away than to raise your hands against a woman."

Who do you think is guilty in this case?

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