
Saturday, 19 December 2015

Watch Video: Woman spends £165,000 to remove 6 ribs in a bid to have world smallest waist

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Former electrician Pixee Fox had already spent more than £80,000 on plastic surgery alone attempting to sculpt the perfect hourglass figure.

But now she has taken her obsession even further by having her lower ribs removed - so she can shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches. See more pics below.

The 25-year-old says she was inspired by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World.

Pixee, from Sweden, said: "People often come up to me and say, 'don't take this the wrong way, but you look like a cartoon' - but for me that's a compliment, that's what I want to achieve."

“Getting my ribs removed, I have been thinking about it for a long time. So it’s always been like a dream of mine, but it’s really hard to find a surgeon, almost impossible,” she said prior to the surgery. 
“The only reason I can do it now, is because doctors finally started taking me seriously, because they see I’m not a crazy person.”

Dr. Barry Epply, who performed the procedure, didn’t seem to think there was anything unusual about Pixee’s request.

“There’s nothing complex, extraordinary, or unduly difficult about it,” he said of the rib removal. “It does require an extremely motivated patient.”
Read full story here 

Before: Pixee in her late teens - before any of her surgeries

Before: Pixee in her late teens - before any of her surgeries

Before: Pixee in her late teens - before any of her surgeries

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