
Thursday, 24 December 2015

Truths & Lies Of A Threesome As Shared By 3 Women (18+)

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Every time you see a threesome featured on TV or in a movie, you usually just see three people kissing and then waking up the next morning, leaving you with no idea of what actually happened in between.

Three women spoke about their experiences with sleeping with more than one person at the same time and figuring out how to make it work.

How old are you?Woman A:  Twenty-two.

Woman B: Forty.

Woman C: Twenty-Five.

How old were you when you first had a threesome?Woman A:  Nineteen.
Woman B: Forty.

Woman C: Twenty-five.

Were you in a relationship at the time? Who was in the threesome?Woman A: I was not in a relationship. The threesome was me, my female friend, and a guy we met.

Woman B: I was in a monogamous relationship that I’m still in. The threesome was me, my boyfriend, and another woman.

Woman C: Yes. I have been in an open relationship with my male partner for 3.5 years. The threesome was him, myself, and another woman.

Who brought up the idea of the threesome?Woman A: I brought it up with my female friend while at an event for a college organization we both belong to. During the night, we both realized we’d been checking out the same guy. My friend told me she really wanted to sleep with him and I laughed and said I did too. Instead of fighting over him, I joked that we should have a threesome. Less than two weeks later, we were all at a different party and that same guy had his arm around me and told me he really wanted to take me home. I said I wanted to but my friend would have to come with us. At first the guy didn’t believe us, so he asked me and my friend to make out, which we did, and then we took a cab back to his apartment.

Woman B: My boyfriend brought it up. I was definitely curious but also hesitant about it. I’d wondered about having a threesome before but I had no idea how it would work or what might happen. I’d also read so much about [how] threesomes could cause trouble in a relationship, so I really had to think about it. In the end, my curiosity won out.

Woman C: My partner and I have been in an open relationship since day one, so it wasn’t a shock when two or three months into our relationship he asked me if I wanted to try sleeping with other people together. Plus, even though I had only kissed one girl at that point, I knew I was interested in having a s*xual experience with another woman. Overall, I thought the idea of a threesome sounded amazing and I was down to try it out.

What was the process of choosing the person(s) involved?Woman A: Like I said, ours wasn’t planned. My friend and I had joked about it before, but we never thought it would actually happen until that second party. Plus, the guy had no idea until we told him right before.

Woman B: We spent a lot of time discussing the rules and boundaries that had to be in place during the threesome. I told him he couldn’t French kiss her, but anything else he wanted to do was fair game. We also discussed what I would and wouldn’t do (I wouldn’t go down on her, but he would), and what positions we wanted to try (me sitting on his face while she gave him oral s*x was my no. 1 pick). Then we used a local site to find an escort who had a “couple-friendly” reputation who we both felt was attractive.

Woman C: My partner and I were part of a secret Facebook group for swingers in our area and were always on the lookout for a single girl we could have a threesome with. One day, I was browsing the group for new members and came across a really cute girl. I sent her a friend request and a private message telling her I found her in the group and she was absolutely gorgeous. I let her know that I had a male partner and we’d love to meet up to see if we all clicked. I already knew if I found her attractive then my partner would too. I showed him some of her photos later and he was totally on the same page. We ended up exchanging phone numbers and coordinated schedules to meet up. She had a really sweet personality via text, so that confirmed even more that we would be a match. Also, after she accepted my friend request, I could see that we had a good number of mutual friends who were swingers and I saw photos of her with those people, which helped confirm she was a real person and her pictures were accurate.

What was the hardest part about planning it?Woman A: Leaving the party together without anyone else in our organization seeing us.

Woman B: Finding the right woman to participate with us. Because it was my first threesome (it wasn’t his first) and my first time being with a woman, he let me pick out the girls I thought were attractive. Then we’d look at them together to see how they dressed, how they posed in pictures, and how they marketed themselves. We kept narrowing it down over a period of a couple of months and then spent a week getting prices from a few just to see how much it would cost. He knew that whoever I wanted to choose as our third was going to be the final answer though, since he wanted me to be comfortable. Then one night, we just decided to go for it.

Woman C: The hardest part about planning it was worrying she would flake. My partner and I had met single girls before, and either our schedules would never quite match up, they would cancel last-minute, or we would meet them while out at a party and they’d just want to stay at the party all night. We aren’t really party-all-night people, so that also contributed to how long it took us to actually make our threesome dream come true.

Was there anything you were particularly nervous about before the threesome happened?Woman A: I was a little nervous about being with a woman s*xually because I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that, but it all happened so fast that there wasn’t much time to be nervous.
Woman B: Being with a woman. I was always curious but I had never even kissed another woman before.
Woman C: Not really. I had been looking forward to having a threesome for so long that I was more excited that it would finally happen than anything else.

Where did you decide to do it?Woman A: At the guy’s apartment.

Woman B: We did it at my house.

Woman C: The woman that we found lived back in our hometown, so we planned to meet her while we were there visiting. We were staying with family, so we didn’t really have a private space to bring her back to, so we booked a nice hotel room nearby to use for the night.

How did it start?Woman A: We definitely had our hands down each other’s pants in the cab and then once we got to his place, my friend and I started taking turns with the guy.

Woman B: Since we decided to hire an escort, it was pretty straightforward. We spent some time talking with her to get to know her, then she initiated because my boyfriend and I were both too nervous. I think, given another chance, either he or I would initiate since we now have more of an idea what to expect.

Woman C: We started out by having some light appetizers and drinks at a restaurant together. The three of us all decided we didn’t want to be drunk for the experience, so we stopped at just one drink. We had a lovely conversation and talked about our past s*xual experiences. The woman said she’d had many threesomes before, so we got to hear a bit more about her experiences. One thing my partner and I had always intended to do when we found the right girl for our threesome was to make her the center of attention. Most threesomes tend to be a couple having s*x and the girl becomes a third wheel, but we didn’t want that. We told her we wanted to shower her with all of our attention s*xually, and she shared that she had never experienced that before but had always wanted to. Knowing that all of us had fantasized and dreamed of having an experience like this just added to the anticipation and confirmed that it would be a fun night.

And what, uh, happened after that?Woman A: My friend and I mostly took turns having cowgirl-style s*x with him, with occasional breaks for the missionary position. Not much happened between her and myself besides us fingering each other occasionally. Then, after she went to sleep, he and I kept having s*x.

Woman B: She started with touching and undressing me while my boyfriend watched, then she went down on me while he was kissing and touching her and me simultaneously. After that, she started giving him a blow job while he went down on me and it all ended with him having s*x with her while going down on me until we all finished.

Woman C: Once we got into the hotel room, we all stripped down to our underwear and started kissing. Then my partner and I gave her the first of many orgasms for the night with just oral s*x. Then she and my partner removed the rest of my clothing and went down on me. Then the woman and I went down on him together. We took turns in a variety of positions trying to give her an orgasm until it was time for me to make my partner finish. Afterward, we all snuggled in bed to relax for a bit. She eventually went home and my partner and I stayed in the hotel together.

Did the threesome go the way you’d imagined it would go?Woman A:  No, it wasn’t as balanced as I would have liked it to be. I felt a little bad about leaving my friend [out of] a lot of it, but that’s just how it happened in the moment, unfortunately.

Woman B: Kind of, but not really. I told him we needed to try again another time because I wanted to be more actively involved than I was. I didn’t say anything at the time, but I definitely felt disappointed. I said something to him later when we were alone about feeling left out and we talked about what I could have done differently. In the end, he simply laughed and said, “Next time, then.” I know he’d do it again if I was up for it.

Woman C: It went better than I imagined. I didn’t know going in that the other woman was a squirter or even if she would be able to have an orgasm, since so many women don’t. Overall though, it was pretty on par with what I imagined it would be like.

Were there any unexpected problems?Woman A: No.
Woman B: No. I don’t think that my not being involved as much as I’d wanted was a problem as much as it was a rookie mistake. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience, but my boyfriend agreed that he wished I’d been more involved with her.

Woman C: No unexpected problems, though I wish we’d kept more water on hand. We were all really thirsty afterward and didn’t have much bottled water in the room.

What was the most exciting part of the threesome?Woman A: The danger of someone in our college organization finding out we’d all hooked up and being shocked by that. That was kind of thrilling. And it was fun for my friend and I to feel like we were seducing this hot guy together.

Woman B: Seeing the excitement on my boyfriend’s face when he got to play with two women.

Woman C: The most exciting part of the threesome was watching another woman get on top of my partner and ride him until she had an orgasm. It was quite possibly the s*xiest thing I’ve ever seen.

The least exciting?Woman A: Having s*x with two people was a lot more difficult than I anticipated, especially since my friend and I are very straight. Trying to figure out how to involve everyone in the moment wasn’t super fun.

Credit: Cosmoploitan

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