
Friday, 25 December 2015

FBI Says 94% of Terrorist Attacks in the US Since 1980 Are by Non-Muslims

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FBI Says 94% of Terrorist Attacks in the US Since 1980 Are by Non-Muslims
According to the FBI, 94 percent percent of terrorists attacks in the United States since 1980 were perpetrated by non-Muslims.

Muslims are blamed every time a terrorist attack is carried out anywhere around the world. Ever since the 9/11 attacks on American soil, the meaning of terrorism has been directly associated with Muslims and Islam.

Following the Paris attacks of November 13 and the San Bernardino shooting in California, bigotry, hatred, discrimination and violence against Muslims has risen to a dangerous level.

However, according to the FBI, there have been more acts of terrorism on American soil perpetrated by Latinos and Jews than by Muslims.

Moreover, Europe has suffered over 1,000 terrorist attacks in the last five years, in which less than 2 percent of the criminals have been Muslims, according to the Huffington Post.

Muslims have killed less than 0.0002 percent of Americans killed since September 11, 2001, according to the “Muslim-American Terrorism in 2013” study conducted by the University of North Carolina.

“The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period,” the same study noted.

According to the Nobel Prize Organization, nearly half (5) out of the last 12 Nobel Peace Prizes have been awarded to Muslims.

The association between Islam and terrorism has promoted a level of intolerance and bigotry toward Muslims all around the world.

Following the San Bernardino terrorist shooting, U.S. President Barack Obama urged Americans to refrain from blaming Islam and Muslims for terrorism.

The US President warned that ISIS and other terrorist organizations want to provoke another war between the West and Islam while fostering fear among citizens.

Blaming Islam – an entire religion – for acts of criminals drives a wedge between Muslims and non-Muslims, increasing hatred and violence.

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