
Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Kind Treatment Towards Our Parents

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Kind Treatment Towards Our Parents

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Allah (swt) speaks about the importance of honouring our parents in the Qur'an, placing it second only to the worship of Allah and seeking of his pleasure.

. Allah says:
“Your Rabb has decreed that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to your parents…” *[Al-Isra’ 17:23]*

"And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination." *[Luqman 31:14]*

Yesterday in another group someone sent a picture that contained a story of an old man which makes me nearly shed tears. I felt sad after going through the story which contains not more than a few lines. It read thus:

*"An old man took his phone to a Repair shop.*
*The technician told the old man: "Nothing is wrong with this phone"*
*Old man with tears in his eyes said: "Then why DON'T my children ever call me?"*

Subhan Allah. We have totally neglected our parents. We don't even want to know if they are existing. This is worth crying for my dear brothers and sisters. Communicates with them and let us understand their needs. They may want to see you. They may want to hear your voice. Pls don't cause displeasure for your parents.

The Prophet (saw) said: *"The parents is the middle or the largest door to Jannah"* Allahu Akbar. This means the easiest way we can gain Jannah, is to help and care for our parents.

The Prophet (saw) said: "The Pleasure of Allah is found in the pleasure of the parents. And the displeasure of Allah is found in the displeasure of the Parents." *[Kitabul-Kabair]*

So whoever want Allah to be pleased with him, should pleasing his parents. And whoever is worried about the punishment of Allah, should be worried about the anger of his parents.

We all have heard about the famous hadeeth in Sunan Abu Dawood and Imam Ahmad. Where a Sahabi came from all the way Yemen. And he said: "Ya Rasulallah! I have come all the way from yemen, i have come to join you so that i can be a sahabi. So that i can fight Jihad. And i have left my parents, they are crying because they want me. I have left them just to come and join you.... The Prophet (saw) told him: "If you want the pleasures of Allah, go back to them and make them happy. Go back to them and make them laugh just as you have make them cried"

Allahu Akbar. Today you and i know that the pleasure of Allah is found in the pleasure of our parents. Don't ever make them displeased. Don't ever make them unhappy with you. Don't allowed a day or two pass without reaching them. It's our responsibility to always put a smile on their faces. If they are pleased with you, then Allah will be pleased with you.

They are now tired. They can not do much of what they used to do in their 20s and 30s. Sickness are taking them out of the world little by little. They need you my dear brothers and sisters. Go to them. Call them very often. Enquire about their needs. No matter the amount of Tahajjud you pray at night, no matter the amount of charity you give out, no matter the amount of fasting you do, if your parents are not pleased with you, Allah will never be pleased with you.

Those that have passed on among them, we must pray for them in every salat and every time we remember them, establish sadaqatul -Jariya for them, honour their relations and love their loved ones.

May Allah grant all parents both past and present the highest form of Jannah and may He forgive their mistakes - Aameen


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