Watermelons are delicious and refreshing in the summer heat. However, if you see one looking like this, do not eat it and here is why!

Watermelons have many health benefits, and they are tasty, but farmers do their best to boost the production and their revenues, too. That’s why you can see the watermelons looking like that. They do not taste well and can be dangerous for your health! Do not eat them!
This story happened in China. Local farmers planted watermelons by acres, but eventually lost it all. The delicious green balls just cracked and rotted right in the fields. The farmers said they used no special chemical for growing them.
Researchers showed the commonly used fertilizer caused the disaster. Initially, it had to speed up the growth by at least two weeks and make watermelons 20 percent larger. However, the untimely rain made them grow too fast and crack on the field.
Moreover, when you cut a fruit fertilized by that chemical, you see pale color and many white seeds, instead of the black ones. It does not taste as sweet as it should. And the fruits may look odd or have an unusual shape.
Some scientists say that forchlorfenuron fertilizer is harmless for human health. Others claim it can evoke a range of problems with stomach, kidney and breathing troubles. So, if you see a fruit looking like that, do not eat it. To avoid consuming the unwholesome Chinese foods, shop locally from the manufacturers you know.
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