
Friday, 12 February 2016

#AccraPoly SRC executives urged to seek academic excellence

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Accra poly SRC executives urged to seek academic excellence
Accra poly SRC executives urged to seek academic excellence
“ACADEMIC excellence is paramount, no special treatment because you are a Student Representative Council executive, rules and regulations are to be followed”, Professor Sylvester Achio advised.

The Rector of Accra Polytechnic, has cautioned the newly elected SRC executives during an orientation organized by the Office of the Dean of Students’ Affairs at the Academic board about how they should go about their affairs within and outside the institution. The orientation seeks to educate the newly elected SRC executives on the administrative structures and some notable departments of the institution.

According to the Rector, the SRC is an intermediary between management and students; and the body acts as the mouth piece for the students in the Polytechnic fraternity. The body should seek academic, moral and social welfare of students to enhance their settlement into the Polytechnic society, he recommended.

Professor Achio expressed hope that, the current Polytechnic law would encourage many students to opt for the Polytechnic as their first choice tertiary institution now that we have the legal backing to run degree programmes.

The Rector promised management’s support to the SRC in their quest to develop the institution internally and externally.

The Dean of Students’ Affairs, Mr. Stephen Kudadze on his part asked students to uphold the core values of the Polytechnic which is deeply rooted in the schools values and urged them to refrain from acts that impugn academic credentials. The Dean advised students to promote and uphold academic integrity by rejecting any form of academic dishonesty.

The Director for Students Affairs at GIMPA, Mrs. Juliana Appiah on her part advised the SRC to constantly use dialogue to seek redress to their grievance, instead of going on demonstrations.

According to Mrs. Appiah, dialogue finds solution to their problems and not demonstrations. The Director revealed that at GIMPA SRC is not part of Council but it is a privilege for SRC of Accra Polytechnic to be part of Council and it should be appreciated.

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