
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Why men cherished their cars more than their spouses

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Why men cherished their cars more than their spouses

Some men cherished their cars more than their spouses, while others disagreed.

Mr Chike Alex, a businessman said that he loved his wife more than anything visible, adding that a car was an inordinate object.

“I cherish my car because it is something I care about, but a car is just a car and it is subject to change.

“The care I express towards my wife is different and I definitely love her more than anything visible,” Alex said.

He observed that there were times when some men tend to express more care towards their cars, but it happened when the woman in the home doesn’t play her role effectively.

Mr Taiwo Pelumi, a banker said a car sometimes boosts the ego of a man and he tends to exhibit greater love towards the car.

“Men don’t really love their cars more than their women; the car sometimes just boosts the ego of the man.

“When the car boosts his ego, what happens is that he will care for the car and ensure that nothing happens to it,” he said.

Pelumi also added that cars were generally perceived as a valuable belonging a man could acquire to make him significant in the society.

Mrs Linda Cole, a public servant said the role of wives could not be substituted for a car, but some men prefer their cars to the woman in their lives.

According to Cole, some men’s crave for cars is at the extreme and it is common among men who are not well to do.

“Routinely, the man that loves his car will take it for servicing, washing, repainting but that can rarely be done for the woman in his life.

“Men claim that the car is an inanimate object that cannot take care of itself, but the woman can do things for herself.

“Some men also want to be noticed in the society with the car they drive and they can do anything possible to get one for the sake of their ego,” she said.

Cole noted that such men guard the car so as not to damage it and ensure their wives would never use the car.

Desmond David, an automobile dealer, said most men would want to be identified with the kind of cars they drove and rode in the past.

David stated that men would hardly remember the numerous ladies they came in contact with except for the special woman in their lives.

According to him, identifying with cars does not take the place of the special woman in their lives, as a car was ephemeral.

He added that men who exhibit so much care for their cars may have used their life savings to purchase it.

He, however, said that some men were obsessed with their cars, but love their wives.

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