
Sunday, 6 November 2016

University of Professional Studies: International Students visit Central Regio

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University of Professional Studies: International Students visit Central Regio

Seven international students from the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) visited the Central Region as part of their cultural orientation programme on Founders’ Day.

The purpose of this tour was to afford the students, who are from Nigeria, Cameroon, Benin, DR. Congo and the Gambia the opportunity to learn more about Ghana’s rich culture heritage and tourist attractions.

The visit was initiated by Prof. Goski Alabi, Dean of the Centre for International Education and Collaboration.

The students, who are on scholarship under the aegis of the European Union Entreprenariat, Ressources, Management, Innovation et Technologies (ERMIT) scholarship mobility project visited the Kakum National Park in Cape Coast where they undertook the famous canopy walk which covers a total area of 375 square kilometres.

Elmina in the Central Region was the second destination for students, where they visited the Elmina Castle which was built in 1482 and served as a trade settlement before it became a route for the Atlantic slave trade for the Portuguese, Dutch and the British Empire.

The students described the trip as “highly educational and entertaining” and hoped that similar trips would be organised for them in future. “As international students, we need to learn about the history and culture of the people of Ghana, and this trip has enabled us to learn about the Fanti people,” said Dayo Akinyele, a second year Mphil Leadership student from Nigeria.

The project ERMIT project is a cooperation and mobility programme in the area of Higher Education, implemented by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union (EU).

The project is designed to facilitate the movement of Masters and PhD students and staff between selected national universities in the African sub-regions as a means of building capacities and encouraging socioeconomic development in each region.

The project focuses on postgraduate education and research as a means of strategic capacity development by making available a wide variety of postgraduate degrees and research opportunities to students from each region and country.

These mobility activities will increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of the participating Higher Education Institutions towards the ultimate aim of encouraging ‘brain gain’ rather than ‘brain drain’ within each region.

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