
Friday, 18 November 2016

Prempeh College Wins Outstanding Engineering Knowledge & Exemplary Achievement Award

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Prempeh College Wins Outstanding Engineering Knowledge & Exemplary Achievement Award
Prempeh College Wins Outstanding Engineering Knowledge & Exemplary Achievement Award
The Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE) has awarded Prempeh College Robotics Club for working and contributing towards innovative and relevant Robotics projects that have the potential of impacting on society and the National Economy.

The club was accorded the most Outstanding Engineering Knowledge & Exemplary Achievement Award in Promoting the Future of Engineering Category at the 2016 Engineering Excellence Awards held over the weekend.

The Robotics Club is made up of the Robotics team coach and ICT instructor- Mr Peter Agyeman, team captain- Victor Buabeng Danquah, others are Gyasi William Kwabena, Adu-Ampomah Affa Kwaku, Gyekye Atta-Penkra Emmanuel, Agbodzah Kelvin Campbell, Samuel Kow Paintsil and Jeffery Jefferson Akyea Adu.

Prempeh College Robotics Club has won a number of awards, some of their achievements include: 2016 Ashanti Regional Robotics Champions, Robofest Toyota Innovation Award Champions 2016, Robofest National Champions 2016, National Robotics 2015, National Robotics Champions 2014, Regional Robotics Champions 2013, winners of the Regional Robotics Competition 2012, Achievement in Best Programming at the Robotics Inspired Science Education Competition 2011, The 2016 National Robofest Qualifiers, Presec-Legon, Ghana Champions.

They recently won the Prestigious Toyota Innovation Award at the The World Robofest Competition, Southfield- Michigan, USA.

They will be competing in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) which would be held at Delhi, India on 25th of November 2016.

Other award winners in this [ Promoting the Future of Engineering] category include Ayamballa Ayambila Moses, a student of Manhean Anglican JHS and Saka Seth, both won the Applied Science & Mathematics-JHS award.

Saka Seth worked on the use of local materials to make an alcoholic stove. The idea was to recycle waste materials in the environment. These materials include canned bottles and wire mesh.
Ayamballa worked on Solar invertor building.

Saka Seth and Ayamballa Ayambila Moses took first and 1st runner up positions respectively at the JHS level during the National GAST Science Fair 2016 held in Tamale.
At the SHS level, Adu Kyere Clifford of Sunyani SHS and Dzaka Jamina Atsufe, a student of Adidome SHS won the Applied Science & Mathematics -SHS award on the night.

Adu Kyere Clifford worked on a relaxer cream manufactured from cassava and Dzaka Jamina worked on the use of domestic waste water to promote food security. Adu Kyere Clifford and Dzaka Jamina both placed 1st and 1st runner up at the 2016 National GAST Science Fair held in Tamale.
Early childhoold awareness & Engineering potential - Primary Award went to Immanuella Yeboah-Boateng of Clyde Academy- Duayaw Nkwanta- Koforidua Primary school and Kwadwo Ankamah Grant-Boateng, a student of Nada Preparatory school in Drobo -Jaman South in the Brong Ahafo region.

Immanuella worked on maize flour fortified with protein, zinc and vitamin A, and Kwadwo worked on production of soap from dry cocoa pod and palm kernel called Doctor Grants soap. Immanuella and Kwadwo placed 1st and second respectively at the 2016 National GAST Science Fair held in Tamale.

The awards instituted by the Ghana Institution of Engineers seeks to recognize and reward excellence in engineering practice and innovation in Ghana. It is also to recognize the contributions of Engineers and non-engineers, including firms and other organizations, in promoting research and innovations excellence to the benefit of the Ghanaian society and beyond.

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