
Saturday, 26 March 2016

Reject politicians who come with juicy promises – Aps. Dr Opoku Onyinah

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Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah
Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah
Even before campaign for the November 7 2016 swing into full force, electorates are being advised not to be hoodwinked by what Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah described as sweet promises by politicians.
“Anyone who comes to you with promises upon promises, do not listen to them, do not vote for them, they are only looking for your votes,” the President of Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council told Ghana Dadwen on Good Friday.

In every electioneering year, politicians turn to make a lot of promises and pledges which includes, constructing school building, road, bridge, and community centre. Most often than not, these promises end up becoming a mirage.

Disappointed electorates often threaten to vote against politicians who made those unfulfilled promises. For fear of losing votes, old promises are rehashed and new promises preached to deceive gullible voters.

But, speaking exclusively on a special edition of Ghana Dadwen on Good Friday hosted by Nhyira Aggrey, Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah opined that, it is time electorates should not allow themselves to be taken advantage of.

“It is your future, I am advising the electorates especially the youth to think of their future and make the right decision. They will come to you this year too, look at what they have been able to do and cast your votes accordingly,” he noted.

Whilst wishing the entire nation most especially the Christendom a happy Easter, Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah, who is also the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, called on the youth to resist any attempt of joining or forming groups to cause mayhem in this year’s election.

He cautioned, “Do not accept money to cause violence or create any violence, think of the peace, think of goodness and think of oneness of mother Ghana”.

The man of God also sent a word of caution to his fellow preachers to live an exemplary life, leading souls to the Kingdom.

“Use your pulpits this Easter to win souls,” he charged them.

By Bright Dzakah/Onua FM/Ghana

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